Our diverse product portfolio is managed through four business areas: Consumer Goods, Medical and Laboratories, Industries and Agricultural trade. Our main customers are the private sector, the public sector and consumers.
 Our headquarters, product development and production facilities are based in Finland, with subsidiaries in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the Baltic countries.
 Our operations include in-house product development and production, import operations, sales and marketing as well as efficient services for product management and supply chain management. .
 In 2023, group’s turnover amounted to MEUR 705 (717.5 in 2022) and operating profit to MEUR 29.5 (40.6). We employ around 880 people in the Group.
 Domestic product development and production are among our key strengths. We began the production of our own products in the 1950s with the XZ oil care product. Today, we have production in the whole Group in eight municipalities in Finland.
 Berner has a long track record of operating responsibly, and sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We want to build a better tomorrow and work to ensure well-being and good living for all of us – also 100 years from now. Our sustainability efforts are guided by our new sustainability program and its targets.
 The story of Berner started in the 1880s, when the young Norwegian Sören Berner arrived in Helsinki in order to chart the markets in this town of 40,000. He decided to start business operations in Finland by importing herring directly to Helsinki from the fishing port in Stavanger.